AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It is an open web-application framework maintained by google and a community of individual developers. Its goal is to simplify both development and testing of such applications by providing a framework for client-side model-via-controller (MVC) architecture.
To learn this course you should have minimum knowledge of jQuery,ajax, MVC.
Angular JS Duration
- 15 Hr
- 20 Days
AngularJS Introduction
Introduction To Client Side Scripting Languages
Basics of Javascript and jQuery
Introduction to AngularJS and Its History
Why should we use AngularJS?
Execution flow
Properties, MethodsBinding controllers with views
Controller hierarchy
Sharing data between controllers
Bootstrapping Angular APPS
Auto bootstrapCustom bootstrap
Data Binding
Binding Model ObjectsModel Objects Visibility
Difference between $scope & $rootScope
Using $emit & $broadcast
JSON advantages
Using JSON in Angularjs
Use of $watch, $digest & $apply
Understanding AngularJS Architecture
Dependency Injection
What is Dependency Injection?Implicit DI
Inline Array Annotated DI
$inject Array Annotated DI
AngularJs Expressions, AngularJS NumbersAngularJS Strings, AngularJS Arrays
AngularJS Objects
Power of directivesWorking with built in directives
- ng-app, ng-init
- ng-model, ng-repeat
- ng-class, ng-template
- ng-include
Working with custom directives
Adding Filters to ExpressionsAdding Filters to Directives
Working with built in filters
Creating custom filters
ng-clickHiding HTML Elements
ng-show, ng-hide
Controllers Pollute the Global NamespaceAngularJS Application Files
AngularJS XMLHttpRequest (AJAX)
AngularJS $httpAngularJS Forms & Input Validation
AngularJS Service Types
Constants & Values, FactoriesServices, Providers
Single Page Applications
What is SPA?How to work with SPA in angular
Working with routes
Static & dynamic routing
Overview of REST APIUse of angular resource module
Overview of transitionsUse of angular animate module
Angular with UI Frameworks
ui boostrapanguar-meterial
Behavior Driven Development
Overview of Nodejsinstallation of karma & jasmin
working with karma & jasmin